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The latest information on the sales system to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection

We would like to express our deepest sympathies to those affected by the new coronavirus infection, their families, and all concerned.

​ Due to the influence of the new coronavirus, we have not exhibited at the exhibition. We will inform you about the schedule for next year on our website.

​ Our company puts the safety of our customers first and is working on measures to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection every day.

​ Measures to prevent the spread of infection

・ Thorough hand washing when commuting

・ Thorough wearing a mask

​ ・ Installation of alcohol disinfectant

Request to customers

・ Please wear a mask and cooperate in disinfecting your hands and fingers with alcohol.

・ Please be as far away as possible from other customers.

​ ・ Please refrain from entering the store if you have various cold symptoms or fever of 37.5 ℃ or higher.

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